Oracle® Documaker Standard Edition
Version 12.6.3
March 2020

This ReadMe accompanies the following Oracle products for Microsoft Windows and Linux x86 operating systems:


This release of Oracle Documaker is for multiple platforms.

This file contains the following topics:


The documentation for Oracle Insurance products including Oracle Documaker is available for download from the Oracle Technology Network site under Oracle Insurance:

The Oracle Documaker Documentation Libraries include the following reference materials:

Additional information is also available in the Help files within the products.

Known Issues

There are no specific known issues related to the Documaker Standard Edition 12.6.3 in this release.

Items Addressed

This release is a cumulative release which includes enhancements and patches released in prior versions; please refer to the release notes and readmes for 12.6.3 and prior versions for additional items previously addressed. In addition to the following items, there may also be additional product enhancements outlined in the Release Notes which are available on OTN.



There are no specific product changes or BugDB items related to Standard Edition Installation in this release.

Documaker Core
BugDB# Description
28460917 ADDMULTIPAGEBITMAP - page of pdf with external reference does not import.
28819934 MRO - text area output gets fragmented.
29024142 Signature image loses its position on a form with multi line text.
29488699 ODSE - Upgrade from 11.3 to 12.6.2 Error: 10590 RCTSetRecipsFromTable()Unable to DSSetFormRecipsCopyCnt().

There are no specific product changes or BugDB items related to Standard Edition Documaker Core in this release.

Documaker Studio & Utilities
BugDB# Description
Internal DMStudio - Studio font manager afp font sampling fails when character set less than 8 characters.
29292228 DMStudio - Test scenarios performance issue after upgrade from 12.1 to 12.6.0.
27669055 Embed external pdf into transaction (PDFattachment).
27964482 Start line charts firmly on y-axis).
27964639 Remove lines from the legend symbols in 2d line charts.
28121260 Provide the ability to specify object reading order.
28127815 Specify alt text on dynamic graphics added with dal).
28127821 Add skip reading flag to graphics added with dal.
28337009 DMStudio - option to define background color.
29687023 DMStudio - Documaker studio crashes while importing docx.
30022160 DMStudio - Error converting true type fonts to AFP).
30624364 DMStudio - Shade created in color does not retain the same color when converted to pdf.
30413130 This patch adds the ability to edit / drill into documentation automation language (DAL) script triggers.
30436292 Request Configuration Option To Bypass The New Form Wizard.
27130113 This patch adds the document editing service.
30897281 New DAL Function Derived From Previous Customizations.

Documaker Server

There are no specific product changes or BugDB items related to Standard Edition Documaker Server in this release.

Documaker Desktop

There are no specific product changes or BugDB items related to Standard Edition Documaker Desktop in this release.

Documaker Add-In for Microsoft Word

There are no specific product changes or BugDB items related to Standard Edition Documaker Add-In for Microsoft Word in this release.

Customer Support

If you have any questions about the installation or use of our products, please call +1.800.223.1711 or visit the My Oracle Support website:
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